How do you Maintain your Diamond Earrings?

Diamond earrings can modify our face shape, and they can even make women look more attractive. Therefore, diamond earrings are considered one of the most indispensable fashion item in a women’s jewelry box. Now there are more and more women wearing diamond earrings, across all age groups. However, one unavoidable issue with wearing diamond earrings is that they can wear out and become dull over time. Together with lack of maintenance, diamond earrings can lose its luster. So what are some of the diamond earring maintenance tips we should pay attention to?

1. Store them separately. Keep your diamond earrings in a different area, away from your other jewelries so as to avoid collision and friction. The hardness of the diamond is very high, and it could scrape or be scraped by other metal jewelry. Storing the diamond earrings separately, or wrap the diamond earrings in soft cloth to prevent direct contact with other metal jewelry can help to maintain the shine of your diamond earrings.

2. Keep them away from water. When you go swimming or have underwater activities, it is better to remove your diamond earrings first. To maintain the quality of your earrings, it is important to avoid the metal part of the earring being corroded by chlorine in the waters.

3. Substances like oil can form a coating over diamond jewelry. It is important to prevent the contact of your diamond earrings to oil, especially when doing housework at home. Diamonds will lose the original luster due to oil contamination.

4. Diamond earrings should also be removed during makeup and showers to prevent chemical agents such as shower gel and cosmetics from corroding the metal parts of the diamond earring. Although there is usually a layer of protection over diamond earrings, we still need to avoid their contact with chemicals like perfumes, cosmetics, hair spray, bleach, etc., as they contain a certain degree of chemical composition, in which will make diamond earrings lose their luster.

Diamond earrings are the perfect gift for any woman. At BAUNAT you’ll find diamond earrings for a reasonable price in all possible shapes and sizes.

Did not find the diamond earrings you are looking for? Our experts are happy to help! Please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be pleased to assist you on making your choice.